Especially for Coaches ...

Calm the Chaos With SMART Organizational Systems Without Wasting Time on Trial & Error

I Need This! Tell Me More!

Calling All Christian Online Coaches

You got into coaching because you love helping people but were you...

  • Surprised by all the admin tasks involved?
  • Intimidated by all the tech to learn?
  • Overwhelmed by learning how to run a biz?

I know what it feels like to learn all these new skills, to feel behind from day one and to question whether or not you even have what it takes to do this.

Have you tried to just plug along hoping it would all work itself out but you kept falling further behind?

Maybe you have been winging it, doing the best that you can, and patching together workflows through trial and error. 

  • You've ended up with notes everywhere - post it notes, writing on envelopes, a stack of notebooks
  • You often can't find what you need and lose valuable time searching for it
  • You restart from scratch every time you do a recurring tasks trying to remember what to do or what to say in that email

The operations of your business often take a back seat to what seems more pressing - content creation and lead generation.

After all, you only have so many hours in a day and maybe you are still working a full-time job while you coach as your side hustle.

I know you want to create a professional, efficient business that has a firm foundation that will support growth to six figures and beyond.  You want to feel on top of your game, organized and efficient.


The Online Coach's Toolkit

Everything You Need to Enjoy the Freedom Lifestyle of Coaching

We'll organize, systematize and simplify the back end of your business with step-by-step guidance using proven strategies that will save you time, earn you more cash and reduce the mental load of carrying so much around in your head.

Imagine what it will feel like as:

  • Your mind starts to relax because you are no longer overwhelmed.
  • Your productivity levels increase, and you're able to get more done in less time.
  • You enjoy deeper connections with your clients, and you wake up knowing the priorities for the day.
  • You quickly and naturally follow your systems, and you no longer lose your files or have to recreate things every time you do a recurring task.
  • You're confidence and self-esteem skyrocket as you overcome every admin headache you've been struggling with and finally start scaling your business.

Save Time

Learn how to create efficient business systems that will save you time and get you organized.


The comprehensive coaching program covers everything you need to know about creating and streamlining business systems.

Easy to Follow

The step-by-step system is easy to follow and designed to help you get organized quickly and efficiently.

Here Is What You're Going to Get

Online Coach's Toolkit


  • SMART STEPS Group Coaching Sessions: Get help with your biggest admin headaches.  Get my expert advice on streamlining your systems so that you can scale to six figures and beyond 
  • Private Facebook Group: Get answers to your questions in between sessions, share your wins and get encouragement in this community  
  • BONUS 80+ Training videos: In the SMART STEPS library, I share some of my best admin secrets in short and easy to follow videos 
  • BONUS My Favorite (and Mostly Free) Tools, Equipment, Websites and Apps: I do the research and you get the benefit 
  • BONUS Monthly Workshops: Get even more hands on help where we'll dive in and work on your admin challenges together 
  • BONUS My "ScaleMasterPro" Templates: Harness the power of my proprietary templates designed to fuel your business growth and scalability.  No need to start from scratch - upload and go! 
Yes Please! Tell Me More!

What People Are Saying...

Sandra Crewe

I was doing things by trial and error and was not sure it was sustainable or what was needed to successfully grow my business. Now I have easy to use tools that can be applied right away.

Donna Butler

I gladly testify to Donna’s supernatural, God-given gift of administration and her ability to organize the foundation of any endeavor you might take on.

She’s a “go-to” for sure!

Melissa McConville

Go For It! So worth it! Invaluable learning! Great expertise! Wonderful support! Peaceful and fun learning environment! I wasn't sure I could advance my coaching career without learning these skills.


How The Online Coach's Toolkit Works...

Group Coaching Sessions

We meet online twice a month to discuss productivity and time management skills as well as take on your biggest admin headaches.  Replays are available if you can't join live.

Training Library

Over 80 videos plus guides, checklists, and prewritten copy filled with my years of insider experience for both the solopreneur and the multi-million dollar brands.  

Done-For-You Project Templates

Get access to the very same workflows that I use to run one of the largest coaching programs in the world.  I'll help you customize them to fit your needs.

Apply to Work With Me

7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the program, we'll issue a full refund within seven days from the date of purchase.

What People Are Saying...

Carol Fairman

You can't afford NOT to participate in this program. If you want true success and a life by design, then you need the foundation this program provides.

Claudia Thomason

From week one, I began to profit from better organization. I no longer go from thing to thing throughout the day with nothing to show for it.

Nikoshia Ceasar

Every week you will learn new things that you probably wouldn't have ever thought of before. You will save time and money by stepping out on faith.


Dear Coach,

I've seen thousands of coaches give up on their dreams, quit on their calling or make no progress simply because they got overwhelmed with the admin side of their business.  

But now you have someone to ask questions to, someone who lives and breathes this stuff everyday, someone who will not think your questions are stupid, someone who wants to see you succeed.

The world needs what you have and I wouldn't want you to be held back just because the admin side got to be too much.

You won't have to become an admin superhero to do it either.  That's my skill set!  Borrow my systems so you can spend your time on your own superhero skills.

Donna Rekitt

The Time Is Now!

Online Coach's Toolkit


  • Group Coaching Sessions
  • Private Facebook Group
  • BONUS: Training Library
  • BONUS: Monthly Workshops
  • BONUS: My ScaleMasterPro Templates
Apply to Work With Me

Disclaimer: Although we'll talk about things such as finances in terms of what I recommend and best practices I've learned, it should not be construed as legal or financial advice.  This is not a marketing program to teach you things like what a lead magnet is, when to use it or how to improve your copy in it.  But it will teach you things like the mechanic of how to produce a lead magnet and deliver it to your audience.  This is not a done "for you" program.  You are not hiring me to be your VA.  You are learning the skills necessary to run your own business.