Podcast Episode 010: Why You Are Running in Cirlces With Your Stress

Mar 29, 2021
Oh, the insanity of expecting our stress levels to change without us changing anything.  When we don't make those changes we just keep going in circles with our stress.  Round and round we go fighting the same stress battles year after year.

But how many of us are working on the needed changes and what are the needed changes?

Much of our reaction to stressors is learned and then repeated over and over until it becomes automatic. 

In this podcast, we are exploring how the pathways in our mind are created that keep us making the same decisions and reactions that result in us being stressed.  Then I'll show you a new and better way.

The Stress Buster Coach Resources referenced during the podcast:
Amazon Bestselling Book: What Are You Looking At?  Finding Joy In the Chaos & Monotony of Life

This podcast episode is sponsored by my 90-Day Stress Detox Group Coaching Experience.  God wants to fully release your soul into a place of complete freedom, lightness and joy.  You’ll learn how to do that in this 90-day transformation experience.  You’ll discover how to release those weights of stress that you have been carrying, lose the burden and get your life back.

This is for the burned out, overwhelmed Christian woman who wants to get long term stress busting results and not just quick fixes.  If you realize something has to change, I know I can help you because all of my personal 1-on-1 coaching clients have said the program was life changing for them.  Use this link to schedule a free call with me to learn more and see if this 90 Day Detox Group Coaching Experience is a good fit for you.    Spaces are limited and special discounts are in place for a limited time so book your call now.



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.