Podcast Episode 012: When It Rains, It Pours: 5 Powerful Responses to Multiple Stressors

Apr 26, 2021

First the car needs a new engine, then your daughter calls to say she is getting a divorce, then your job says you need to work 12 hour days for the next month, and to top it all off you dad says he's getting his hip replaced and could you help out with his care and watch his dog?

You could probably handle one or two stressful things but when it hits you from every side you start to wonder, "How much more can I take?  What should I do next? Where do I even start to fix this mess?"

My guest today, Barry Spilchuk, knows exactly how you feel.  He was hit with 5, yes 5, major life events that rocked his world all at the same time.  But God...

You'll learn:

  • The 5 Words Given to Him in a Dream That Changed Everything
  • How to Get Unstuck From a Victim Mentality
  • The Powerful S.A.L.A.D. Formula to Use When Life is Hitting You From Every Direction
  • And Much, Much More!

About My Guest: Barry Spilchuk 

  • He’s the 1st Canadian to coauthor a Chicken Soup for the Soul book.
  • Barry has been dubbed - “Canada’s Dale Carnegie”.
  • He loves to help people get UN-STUCK and he has dedicated much of his life to helping people and organizations BOUNCE BACK from tough stuff.
  • He’s also helped over 180 people become authors in the last four years!
  • Barry’s recent book - I’M NOT DONE YET - Everyone Deserves an Encore is dedicated to people over 40 who have come to the realization that - “All they have ever wanted - Isn’t enough!” and they want to - Move from Success to SIGNIFICANCE and live a life of NO REGRETS!
  • He’s shared the stage with: A Prime Minister of Canada / Helen Lieberman - who helped stop the Apartheid movement / Princess Zara Aga Khan / Dr. Phil… and more.
  • He can be reached at: [email protected]





Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.