10 Ways to Raise Self-Confidence to Reduce Stress

Apr 20, 2019

The blows of life, the accumulation of troubles, the multiplications of problems over time tend to sap your energy leaving you feeling hopeless, tired, discouraged, doubting yourself and defeated. So, today I’m sharing with you ten ways to raise your self-confidence to reduce your stress, believe more in yourself and see success.

Way too many people are defeated by the everyday problems of life.  Their minds are obsessed with thoughts of insecurity and inadequacy.  This is due to the fact that such ideas have dominated their minds for years.  When hopelessness enters your mind it discolors your outlook and distorts it. You start to doubt that you have the ability to meet any responsibility or to succeed at any opportunity.  You shrink from life. But God doesn't want us to feel that way.

Are you ready for those 10 steps to regain your confidence?  Here we go:

  1. Form and meditate on a mental picture of you succeeding.  Hold onto that picture. Never let it fade and your mind will seek to develop this picture in your life.  Never think of yourself as failing. Never doubt the reality of the mental picture you have created. The mind is always trying to complete what it pictures so never picture defeat.  Always picture success no matter how things are looking right now.

  2. When a negative thought comes up about your ability to handle things, cancel it out by speaking out loud a positive thought or even better yet a Scripture of what God says is true about the situation.
  3. Do not build up an obstacle in your imagination.  Minimize anything that appears to be an obstacle instead of giving it power and making it grow.  Problems need to be dealt with to be eliminated but they should only be seen for what they really are.  Don’t let fear inflate them.

  4. Don’t be awestruck by other people and wish you were like them.  Chances are they have their own feelings of insecurity. I heard Beth Moore say that she is still scared when she speaks in front of large groups of people.  

  5. Say Romans 8:31 slowly and confidently "If God be for us, who can be against us?"  Ask the Holy Spirit to make this very real in your life.  See God as on your side. He is for you. He wants you to succeed and He’s given you the power and authority through Christ to do so.

  6. Connect with a coach to learn the origin of your inferiority and self-doubt as a way to lead to a cure.

  7. Say several times a day, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13) Or as The Passion Translation says, "I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty."

  8. Make a true estimate of your ability and then up it 10%.  We tend to undercut our own abilities and overestimate others’ abilities. Now we don’t want to become egotistical but we want to develop wholesome self-respect.   Believe in your God-given powers. Believe in who you are in Christ.

  9. Put yourself in God’s hands.  Then believe you are receiving right now all the power you need for your particular situation.  Feel it flow into you. Affirm out loud that the kingdom of God is in you like Luke 17:21 says in the form of adequate power to meet life’s demands.

  10. Remind yourself that God is with you and nothing can defeat you.  You do not have to do life alone. Make Jesus a working partner in every area of your life.

I don’t ignore or minimize people’s hardships and tragedies in life, even Jesus said in this world we would have trouble, but neither should we let these hardships, tragedies, and trouble dominate us.  You can rise above any obstacle that ordinarily might defeat you.

I’m on a mission to help Christians to not live life, as usual, to not accept stress, worry, and fear as the status quo, but instead to start reigning in life like God intends for us to and to spread His glory, the fame of His goodness.  Being stressed and defeated doesn’t spread His glory, does it?

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Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.