Breaking Free From the Bondage of Stress - Part One

Apr 23, 2018

Did you know that you have rights as a child of God?  They are legal spiritual rights that you can exercise if you know about them.

Just like being a citizen of the US with a constitution and a Bill of Rights, has the right to expect to be treated a certain way or have access to things, you as a citizen of heaven (which you became when you were saved) have rights that are outlined in the Bible - rights to everything in the Kingdom.  There is a covenant between Jesus and God, signed in Jesus’ blood, which provides these rights for you.

People have been willing to fight and even die to protect our natural rights that belong to us.  People today are fighting for what they think is rightfully theirs—an opportunity, a personal belonging, a raise, a promotion - but in spiritual things, they tend to just roll over and give up instead of fighting for what is theirs. 

Many people think like I thought in the past, that I just had to wait until heaven one day until the good stuff would start.  But when you accepted Jesus as your Savior, you received rights and privileges you did not have before, because you became heirs to His promises (Galatians 4:1-7). You have legal rights in the spiritual realm, but you have to take your place of authority and reign and exercise those rights! 

Today believers all over the world are learning their rights as they are reminded of their true identity. They are becoming more and more aware of what it means to have God as their father, to be "in Christ" and joint heirs with Him. (Romans 8:17). 

If you’re ready to take your place of ruling and reigning here in this life and walk in the benefits that belong to you, let me tell you about some of your rights.  Because if you don't know you have that right, you won't know to stand for it.

1. You Have the Right to Be Free
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” –John 8:36 (NKJV)

From the beginning God allowed us to be free to choose whom we would serve by giving us free will.  He wants you to love Him and serve Him from a willing heart. And through Jesus' death and resurrection we are also free from sin, condemnation, fear, and more.  

You have the right, for example, to decide where you’re going to spend eternity. You have the right to choose life or death, blessing or cursing. (Deuteronomy 30:15-20) You have the right to decide whether you will act in love towards others or not.  

Satan will try to convince you that it isn't so simple as to just choose to be free. But, let’s not forget for a moment that he is the father of lies. He'll tell you that as long as you are in this world and not in heaven you have to expect to be sick, feel stressed, and put up with lack.  He'll tell you that your past defines you and you'll never overcome. 

But the truth is you have a right to be free.  Free from sin, shame, sickness, addictions, depression and more!  You have that right because Jesus bore those things for you so you wouldn't have to.  If he already bore them, why should you bear them today too?  Isn't that really saying that what Jesus did was not enough? 

If you choose to believe the lies of Satan and you don't fight for your rights, you'll be in bondage to Satan.  And the sad thing will be that you were a free person all along who either didn't know it (but you know it now) or simply rolled over and let it happen. 

2. You Have the Right to Be Healed
  “By His stripes we are healed.” –Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV)

When I say fight for your rights, I don't mean fight with God about it.  You are not trying to convince Him to do these things for you or that you are good enough to deserve them.  No, Jesus already took care of all of that for you.  And Jesus said it is my father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom which he also told us was peace, joy and righteousness.  The fight is to hold on to what is already ours.  The fight happens in our own mind as we overcome fear and learn to live and rule from a position of rest.  The fight happens when we take the thoughts of the evil one and take them captive.

As the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus you should be healed today! (Luke 13:10-17) Jesus broke the power of the curse that came on Adam when he sinned, and if you’ll exercise your right and authority in Christ Jesus by His Name, His blood, and His Word —then that curse does not have any right or authority over you.

God wants His people well, but you'll need to find out what God says in His Word concerning your healing and concerning your right to be well.  You’ll have to be totally convinced that it is His will and that He not only can do it but will do it.  You can get to that point by spending time in the Word building your faith and knowledge and by choosing to put God's word as final authority in your life. 

You know, I just figured, if I was putting my whole hope and trust in Him and the integrity of His word for my entire eternal existence, a big step of faith to be sure, then how could I not also put my whole hope and trust in Him for the here and now and believe His word and His total commitment to my well being here on earth.

Wow!  That is only two of our rights.  Be sure to catch next week where I'll share some more of your citizen of heaven kingdom rights.

By the way, having more than enough is one of your rights.  If you could use some help with learning the kingdom principles that will allow you to bust free from the stress of finances, download this FREE PDF here.  It's a 20+ page booklet that will change your finances forever.



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.