5 Connections You Need to Renew Your Hope

Jul 30, 2018

I remember the day I sat on the edge of our bed and asked my husband if he would care if I just didn’t wake up tomorrow morning.  I was in my 20’s and life was not going according to plan. The rude awakening to becoming an adult with job problems, money problems, learning how to be married and raising kids was all just a bit much for me.  I wasn’t going to commit suicide, but I really didn’t care if I went on to heaven at that point. I’d lost hope that this life was going to get better and I was just clinging on knowing heaven would be better someday.

How about you?  Have you lost hope?  Are you weary of holding on waiting for the miracle you need?  If you are standing on a Scripture, saying the right things, believing for it to happen in your life and it is not happening, it may not be your faith but your hope.

The hope that you may be familiar with goes something like this.  I hope I win the lottery. I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow during the picnic.  I hope your parents like me. But spiritual hope involves supernatural expectancy. It’s not a wish or a desire.  It’s an expectancy based on your covenant with God that the promises in His Word will manifest or be seen in your life.  Just knowing the promise is in the Bible usually doesn’t bring hope. Hope comes when you begin to see yourself with what God has promised you.  You can see that happening in your life. You start to expect it. If you can’t say that describes you, don’t give up! You can renew your hope, so that you have faith and strength to receive everything God has promised you.

Hope gives you the picture of what God wants for you through the Word of God. Then, faith takes that idea and goes after it. That is how hope and faith work together. Hope is the plan that faith sets out to accomplish. It’s the goal setter.

A couple days ago I heard a person telling me of some trouble they had recently come into.  They said the right words and I know they meant them of believing God would get them through this and that His promise would happen in their life, but I also saw some weariness about it.  I heard God say to me to tell her to work on renewing her hope. So, what can you do to 
renew your hope regarding whatever you’re believing for?

Connect with God daily with an unbreakable appointment.  Your spirit was made to be connected to God. We are not meant to be independent.   That's why when Adam and Eve broke fellowship with God through sin, they became connected to Satan as their lord automatically.  There is no one that is Lord over their own life.  You are either connected to Satan or God.  Your spirit needs His very life, light, and love flowing through you daily to thrive.  Make prayer and quiet time with the Lord a priority every day.

Connect with other people of hope and faith. Find others that will encourage you to stand strong when you are standing on a Scripture.   People who are highly developed in unbelief will more likely encourage you to give up.  As a part of the body of Christ, we were meant to need each other.  (1 Corinthians 12:12-18)  And as any parent knows, those you hang around can influence you for good or bad. If you are hanging around with others who are also depressed or discouraged in life, your hope will not be renewed but be pulled down to their level.

Connect with the Word.  Not just in your appointment with God each day, but keep the Word of God in your eyes and ears as many hours as possible each day. and keep anything against His Word out! Go on a fast from news and secular media, and totally immerse yourself in God’s Word.  Losing hope about receiving healing? What if you took the next two weeks and totally immersed yourself in books and videos on healing and listening to healing Scriptures as you cook and when you go to sleep. Saturate yourself with the Word until the point that you can see yourself healed.  

Connect with a coach that can help you build back up your hope.   Sometimes we just need a little help to get out of the slump and get us going in the right direction.  A coach is an impartial person that can see the bigger picture and has the strategies that you need to overcome the slump.  Click here to connect with me - your stress buster coach.

Connect with love.  You’ve maybe heard of the three choicest graces - faith, hope and love (1 Cor. 13:13).  They are mentioned together because they go hand in hand. Both faith and hope work by love.  They spring from love. If you’ve lost hope that God will come through for you on your relationship issues, spend some time connecting with Love Himself and His love will secure and support you in your other relationships.  His love will renew your hope for your relationships.

If you’ve been facing a delayed promise coming true in your life and need to renew your hope, put these tips into practice. Before long, you will feel your hope rise strong again.  You’ll see the promise coming true in your mind and you’ll be ready to continue to stand in faith for your promise.  You'll no longer feel the despair, weariness, and hopelessness.  Spend some time to renew your hope.



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.