A Super Easy Calming Technique to Heal Your Body

Jun 17, 2019

Today I’m sharing with you a super easy way to bring healing to your body from the physical reaction to stress.

Someone once said, “Life is so daily.”  That is an accurate sentiment of the pressure, responsibilities and tension of daily life. We feel a persistent and insistent demand to always be doing something, learning something or figuring a problem out.  This constant pressure when allowed into our hearts and minds gives us stress. 75-90% of all visits to a primary care doctor are related to stress.  Stress takes a toll on our bodies.

How stressed out are you - right now?  Let’s do a quick check of our bodies.

  • Are you squinting or have a furrowed brow or scowling face?
  • Is your jaw clenched, your lips pursed or do you feel like your throat feel tight?
  • Are your hands clenched?
  • Are your shoulders lifted up?
  • Are your toes curled under?
  • Do you feel tightness in your arms, legs, or backside?

A high strung nature is how it is sometimes described but if we will learn emotional control we can take a great first step towards healing our bodies.

Worry, fear, anger, bitterness and all their toxic friends result in things we can feel in our body.  So, when you are feeling stressed, one technique to bust that stress is to discipline your physical reactions.  You’ll be surprised at how quickly this can reduce the fire of your emotions.

For example, you could practice relaxing each muscle in our body.  I like to start at the top of my head and I kind of picture a brain like they might draw in a cartoon depiction of the brain and I picture each little muscle constricted and then imagine it releasing and plumping back up all relaxed.  Move down to your face, your jaw, your throat, your shoulders. I don’t usually have to go any further before I feel much calmer and relaxed. This can be a great way to get yourself off to sleep if you are feeling agitated and tight.

You can also do things like extending your fingers out wide, the very opposite of clenching.  You could throw your arms out wide. A couple of times a day, just make your entire body go completely limp like a noodle.  Be careful where you do that one, so you don't look too silly!  Retrain your body to do the exact opposite of what it wants to do when stressed.

We say things like life is
crashing down on me but wide open spaces is biblical in its association with the freedom that Jesus bought to give you.  Psalm 18:16-19 "From on high God reached down and grabbed me; he took me out of all that water. God saved me from my powerful enemy, saved me from my foes, who were too much for me. They came at me on the very day of my distress, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out to wide-open spaces; he pulled me out safe because he is pleased with me."  And if you are in Jesus today, if you have Jesus the Lord of your life, then He is pleased with you today.

Each person tends to carry their stress in a different part of their body.  So, regularly throughout the day, give yourself a quick scan to see where you might be holding stress and then let it go.  When you do this scan you are going to find times that you are tight and tense, carrying stress, that you weren’t even aware of.

This technique has helped many to avoid medications for headaches.  I got migraine headaches in the past. I believe they were a combination of hormonal issues and stress.  When I learned how to bust through stress the headaches disappeared. The root cause of many headaches is a perfectionist attitude and being easily offended by others.  

So, again, when we learn emotional control and practice relaxation techniques like I shared today we’ll have a lot fewer symptoms of stress showing up in our bodies.  The energy and power we were previously giving to stress can now be redirected to give you the ability to meet the daily of life’s responsibilities.

I invite you to sign up for the FREE gift of 50 Clues You Have Secret Stress and What to Do About It. 

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Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.