Are We Having Fun Yet?

Jun 04, 2018

About ten years ago, my husband and I were going through some extreme financial problems.  And I don’t mean we had so much money we didn’t know what to do with it all! We were in serious lack.  But one day we decided we had a little extra money and we had not gone out as a whole family to a nice sit-down restaurant for quite some time.  So we decided we would go to Red Lobster. We really wanted to treat the kids to a nice, fun time and knew they would greatly appreciate going to this restaurant that was visited very rarely due to the cost.  We explained to the kids on the way there that although we couldn’t just get whatever we wanted on the menu, if we all picked something on the lower end of the menu, we could all enjoy this night out.


After being seated and placing our drink order the kids started all complaining about the food options that were the lowest prices.  None of them were happy with what we were suggesting. My husband and I had already been feeling a little stressed about spending this amount of money so we kind of snapped when none of them seemed to be appreciating the effort we were making to make this happen for them.  They were ruining our plans of treating them to this fun night out. So, we got up and told the kids that we were leaving. We were not going to spend that amount of money (that was large for us at the time) not to have it appreciated and enjoyed.  And yes, we actually left.  

Can you relate?  Maybe you saved a lot of money and went on vacation but the kids whined and complained the whole trip.  You had been so looking forward to this time and spoiling your kids with this vacation but all they were concerned about was the other child touching them.  Or maybe you spent a lot of time picking out a special, “just right” gift for someone and you didn’t get the response of excitement you thought you would get but got a casual “thanks.”  That’s disappointing, isn’t it?


I wonder if God ever feels that way about us?  Psalm 23:5 says, “You prepare a table before me  in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”  I wonder if He ever wants to get up from that table and say, “I prepared this table for you so we could have a good time together.  But you are ruining it with your constant complaining! I paid a lot for your freedom but you refuse to walk in it and instead you stay bound to stress, fear and worry.  I paid too high a price for you to stay defeated, living in regret, feeling unworthy. I gave My best so you could be healed, safe, and provided for. Now straighten up kids! You’re ruining your life living this way.  Appreciate what I’ve done for you and receive all I want to give you. Let's start having a good time in life together.”


The precious blood of Jesus was given for our freedom.  A very high price was paid indeed. Maybe you are thinking, “That’s great and yes, I want to be having a good time in life, but I’m not experiencing that freedom you say He died to give me.  Life is not fun. Where is this feast He has prepared for me?”


Let me share with you what I have learned about this because that would have been my response a few years ago.  Remember I was well acquainted with lack in my life. Life was hard and I was not having fun. Here is the key...You have to receive it.  Although it is automatically available to you at salvation, you don’t automatically receive it, you have to take it.  That’s true of pretty much all spiritual things. All of the blessings of God are available to us, even salvation was available to you before you became saved, but you didn’t become saved until you received your salvation.  You had free will and you had to make the decision to receive the gift.


So, any of the other blessings and promises of the Bible that you want to have operating in your life, will also have to be received.  You will have to learn that the promise exists (faith begins where the will of God is known) and you will have to believe it in your heart that it is God’s will for you and then you will need to say that you have it with your mouth.  That is how you receive. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) That’s how you got salvation and that is how you get the other promises otherwise known as your inheritance.  


“And Jesus answered them, ‘Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:22-24)  Jesus teaches the same principle here. Believe in your heart / don’t doubt, speak with your mouth what you want and receive it.  


The word receive is a bit deceptive though because it sounds so passive.  The Greek word used here for receive means to take it. Picture me handing you a birthday present.  As long as you keep your arms down to your sides, you can’t receive the gift even though it is right there, bought and paid for being offered to you.  You have some action to do to receive it. You have to reach out and take it.  The same is true of an earthly inheritance.  The moment the person dies you don't automatically end up with cash in your bank account.  You have to receive the inheritance (believe it is yours, go sign for it, deposit it, etc).


Kenneth Copeland tells a story of a vision of Jesus he had.  He says that Jesus was standing at the end of his bed with a platter of cookies.  Jesus told Kenneth to take a cookie. Ken thought it was a trick as he was trying to eat healthier so he said no thanks.  But Jesus told him again to take the cookie. Then Jesus told him that they represented healing and He is standing before us in our lives right now, offering us a platter of healing (and other wonderful things) because of what He accomplished on the cross but we have to reach out and take it.  And many of His children are not taking this action but just passively waiting for God to do something about their condition.


Do you have something in your life that you are waiting on God to fix or do for you?  Guess what? He already did it on the cross. He supplied all we need for life and godliness by Jesus’ sacrifice.  2 Peter 1: 3 “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.”  Now it’s your turn to take some action, gain some knowledge like you are doing right now, believe in your heart and say with your mouth and take the promise.


Jesus’ sacrifice was too great for us to not walk in anything that He died to give us.  Take your place of ruling and reigning with Jesus here on earth. Pull up a chair to the feast He has set before you in the presence of your enemies (there are no enemies in Heaven, so this obviously means here and now!).  Appreciate what He has done for you, the great price that was paid and enjoy the meal He is offering.


Want to learn more about how to find joy in life?  For three days only, I am offering my #1 Amazon best-selling book What Are You Looking At? Find Joy in the Chaos and Monotony of Life for FREE.  Click here to get your free e-copy. Paperback is also available for sale if you prefer that. Remember it’s only for three days! Know someone else that could use more joy in life?  Share this blog and free offer with all your friends.



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.