Help for the Overwhelmed Heart

Aug 12, 2018

The world is filled with advice on how to overcome stress and fear.  Here’s one tip I recently read in the Huffington Post: “Go outside and wander around until you find a rock or crystal that you like and is small enough to keep in your pocket. In the morning, afternoon and before sleeping hold the rock for about a minute. While you do, imagine that the rock is emanating enormous strength, power and courage and filling your entire being with radiant power. Carry the rock with you and turn to it as needed. The rock itself may not have any inherent power, but you imbue it with great power.”

Wow, what if there was a rock you could spend one minute with morning, afternoon and night?  What if there was a rock that emanated enormous strength, power and courage and filled your entire being with radiant power? What if there was a rock that you could carry around with you and turn to whenever you needed?  And even better yet, than what this article is suggesting, what if the rock had inherent power and could give you the power to get through anything in life? 

We have such a rock!

The world is so close to the truth in so many ways and yet being off just a smidge is catastrophic.  It’s kind of like the example of an airline pilot that is flying towards his destination but is off by one degree and that one degree makes him off course by hundreds of miles.  That would be a BIG deal if you were the passenger on the plane heading for vacation, wouldn’t it?


Why does the world suggest such things as our rock example?  Well, one, they are desperate. Two, the mind is a very powerful thing and so by doing these things (saying and believing) you will see some differences in your life.  It is taking the spiritual laws and kingdom ways that God put into place but using them in a wrong way. This will result in limited or wrong results. And three, the world can’t get away from the truth of us looking for a connection of strength and power.  I think it is why the superhero movies are so popular.


We were made to be in connection with God our creator.  There is something within everyone that is searching out that connection, that feels that need for finding the power and the answers to all of life's overwhelming issues.  Some just don’t recognize what it is and some try to find the connection with other things.


As the world goes wandering around looking for a magic rock or trying to be the rock...we have such a rock!


1 Corinthians 10:1-4 TPT “My dear fellow believers, you need to understand that all of our Jewish ancestors who walked through a wilderness long ago were under the glory cloud and passed through the waters of the sea on both sides. 2 They were all baptized into the cloud of glory, into the fellowship of Moses, and into the sea. 3 They all ate the same heavenly manna 4 and drank water from the same spiritual rock that traveled with them—and that Rock was Christ himself.


Notice how THE ROCK provided for them.  THE ROCK made a way and protected them.  He is the chief cornerstone of the church (Isaiah 28:16).  He is the rock that Moses was hidden in to see God’s glory (Exodus 33:22).  He is the firm foundation to build our lives upon (Matthew 7:24-27). 1 Samuel 2:2 AMPC “There is none holy like the Lord, there is none besides You; there is no Rock like our God.” Psalm 78:35 NAS “And they remembered that God was their rock, And the Most High God their Redeemer.”


The word rock denotes strength like a stone castle and safety like a stone tower.  It talks of being unmovable like a mountain. We find all these things in Jesus. Psalm 61:2 NAS “From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”  If your heart is faint today and overwhelmed with life, picking up a random rock from outside and hoping it endues you with power is silly, but if you fix your eyes on Jesus, THE ROCK, you will gain strength.  


So, yes, find Jesus, carry Him around with you, turn to Him as you need to.  Spend time with Him morning, noon and evening.  Expect great power, strength and answers to come from Him and for His strength to come into you to be able to do all things through Him.  


You have the answer the world is looking for!  You have THE ROCK that they are out searching for!  You have THE ROCK that will fill you with power and courage.

Declare this today: Psalm 18:2 TPT “You’re as real to me as bedrock beneath my feet, like a castle on a cliff, my forever firm fortress, my mountain of hiding, my pathway of escape, my tower of rescue where none can reach me.  My secret strength and shield around me, you are salvation’s ray of brightness shining on the hillside,  always the champion of my cause.”

If one of your overwhelming issues is finances, please click here to download my 50 Kingdom Principles to Break Free From the Worry of Finances as my gift to you.



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.