How to Live a Quality Life Free From Stress

Oct 16, 2019

My husband and I splurged on a trip to Cancun for our 30th wedding anniversary and stayed at a beautiful all-inclusive resort.  We enjoyed the wildlife that walked around the resort freely especially the beautiful peacocks. The beach was pretty and we had great weather.  And the buffets...well, they were huge and filled with amazing variety, but one thing we kept finding ourselves saying about the buffets was, “it’s just a little off.”  

Everything was presented beautifully and like I said there was so much to choose from, but none of it was particularly good.  We would rather have one plate of really great food than four plates of “just okay” food. And the food was one of the experiences we had been looking forward to on this trip!

An enjoyable life is also about quality over quantity.  It’s having a quality of existence. 

Jesus says in John 10:10 AMP, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”  Check out how The Message translations says it, “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”  And one more from The Passion Translation, “But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!


At first, it may sound like the verses are referring to quantity because of the use of the words more and abundance, but quality is very much what is being presented to us here. The Greek word for life in this verse is zoe.  It’s not life as in breathing or being alive. People obviously were already alive.  Jesus made it so we could have the God kind of life, life as God Himself has it. When Adam and Eve sinned we became disconnected from this life source.  Jesus tells us He came to reconnect us; to make this kind of life accessible to us again.

The zoe life (quality of life) isn’t supposed to just drip a little into our day to day lives either!  This verse says in abundance, to the full, till it overflows, better than you ever dreamed of, more than you expect.  Many of us have had short visits with this kind of life but we can actually live there.

The first step comes in choosing to believe that verse is the will of God for your life.  Then choosing to go after that life like the treasure it is.  

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” (Matthew 13:44)  Don’t let the kingdom of heaven phrase make you think that this kind of life all has to be put off until you die and go to heaven. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is in us. (Luke 17:21)

The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy (Romans 14:17).  You are supposed to have peace and joy!  We recognize these as real treasures to have in life.  They represent a quality of existence.

But notice the first part of John 10:10 that comes before the part I quoted earlier. “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.”

I hear this verse quoted wrong a lot.  They usually say, “kill, steal and destroy.”  I think it’s important to notice the order it was given in.  Jesus never misspoke or said things carelessly. Satan comes to steal first.  And what does he steal? The Word of God from you.  

The farmer plants the Word. Some people are like the seed that falls on the hardened soil of the road. No sooner do they hear the Word than Satan snatches away what has been planted in them.” (Mark 4:14-15)

If he can steal the word from you then he can kill and destroy you.  Actually you’ll kill and destroy yourself. The words from your mouth, your expectations of life and your decisions will destroy you if they aren’t based on the word.

If he can steal the word, he can steal your joy.  Since joy is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10) then we’ll be weak Christians.  We’ll be easily taken advantage of. We won’t be any threat to him. We’ll be just as sick and broke and consumed by our stresses as the world is.  

Weak Christians murmur and complain, they are discouraged, fearful, impatient and stressed.  This causes even more trouble to overcome them which causes even more stress. It’s a vicious cycle.  

What will break the cycle?  Treating the Word of God like treasure.  Guarding it, protecting it, desiring it, going after it, treating it as valuable.  A highly valuable prize. After all, it holds the keys to an overcoming life. A life that’s better than we ever dreamed of.  The life Jesus came to give us access to.  

Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is now accessible. (Matthew 4:17)  Righteousness, peace and joy are now accessible to you. A quality of existence is now accessible.  

Go on a treasure hunt this week in God's Word and seek Jesus with urgent necessity.  When we seek, it is promised that we will find.  When we ask it is promised it will be given to us. (Luke 11:9)  

Jesus wants you to have a quality of life; real life where you are connected with the Father and everything you need for life and godliness flows to and through you (2 Peter 1:3).  Where everything you need for the journey is provided in abundance, to the full, till it overflows.  

When you live in this constant connection with the Father, knowing His will is to give you a quality life, stress will leave your mind and body and joy and peace will come.

If you need help to bust free from the habit of worry, download this free gift for The 5 Best Ways to Break the Worry Habit.



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.