Why You Never Need to Worry About Your Health Again

Jul 15, 2019

I’m not sure it gets much more stressful than hearing a diagnosis of having kidney cancer when you weren’t expecting a thing.  This happened to me several years ago and I’m sure glad I had learned beforehand what the Bible teaches about healing so I knew how to respond in the day of crisis.  Today I’ll share 3 biblical truths that helped me to not worry about my health.

One of the leading causes of stress I hear from my clients is health related, either their own health or that of a loved one.  The stress comes from being in pain, incurring huge medical expenses, getting a scary diagnosis or wondering what would happen to their kids if something happens to them.  Health problems cause stress and stress causes health problems.

As always, to stress less, we need to go to the Bible as our ultimate authority, instruction manual and guide.  And there we’ll find these three biblical truths:

  1. Jesus took care of our healing on the cross.  I grew up in church and so I knew Scriptures like “by Jesus’ stripes you were healed” but I thought that just meant, our relationship with God was healed and our broken sinful nature was healed when we were born again. 

    But then I ran across Matthew 8:16 & 17 “When the evening came, they brought to Him many who were possessed with demons. And He cast out the spirits with His word,
    and healed all who were sick, to fulfill what was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, 'He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.'” 

    To me, that was extremely clear that the words weaknesses and infirmities that we see in some translations of Isaiah chapter 53 describing what happened on the cross were talking about physical healing being included.  It was not just spiritual healing or actually I should say that the spiritual healing that took place on the cross when Jesus said, “It is finished,” also impacts our physical bodies.  

  2. Sickness in our bodies is very much a spiritual problem.  One doctor said, “I found a high percentage of my patients are not sick in their bodies so much as they are sick in their thoughts and emotions.  They are all mixed up with fear thoughts, inferiority feelings, guilt, and resentment.” He found that he needed to treat the spiritual problem. He quoted scripture to them and prescribed them inspirational and religious book on how to live.  And it helped them.

    Another doctor said that in “treating human ills the physical and spiritual are often so deeply interrelated that there is often no clearly defined dividing line between the two.” This is why as a coach I help people with stress from the spirit, soul (which is your mind, will and emotions) and body aspects. 

    My pastor at my church was found dead on the road and they know he was without a heartbeat for at least 13 minutes.  The doctor that treated him said, “We know what we know about the medical part of things. But the power of people’s faith is real.”  Spoiler alert: you can watch the testimony of his stunning recovery here.  But my point is that our health and our faith are intertwined.

  3. Calm faith brings you through.  Jesus said in this world we would have troubles, but I’ve discovered that God never leaves us in the troubles, but brings us through.  Psalm 23:4 “Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.”  In our next video I want to keep this conversation going and I’ll teach you the 3 best ways to have calm faith. 

I’m on a mission to help Christians know that stress is not something we have to put up with until Heaven.  It’s not God’s will for our lives. We are to be reigning in life and spreading the fame of God’s goodness all around the world.  And being sick in our beds or in too much pain to help someone won’t do it.

This doesn't mean we don't need to do anything about our health such as eating right and exercising, but it does mean we do it from a position of rest not striving or worrying. 

Apply these three biblical truths and you'll be able to mature in the area of worrying less over your health...which will cause less health problems! 

Would you like to live an empowered life of freedom from stress, worry and fear? Click the image below to schedule a time to talk with me and let's see if I can help you start having some everyday wins.



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.