You Are Two Words Away from Victory

Nov 07, 2018

One common theme I often hear being talked about among Christians today is that the world is getting crazier, darker, more evil and more confused.  As we get closer and closer to Christ’s return, evil will abound the Bible tells us. (2 Tim 3:1).

Are you letting the darkness of this world trouble you?  Stress you out?

If so, I want to remind you that you are not of this world. For you and me, and anyone that has made Jesus their Savior, we don’t have to live in the darkness of this world.  For us, the days will become brighter and brighter as God shines His light in our lives.

One of the ways that God shines His light into our lives is by giving us His wisdom.  As we get closer to Jesus’ second coming, the Father will continue to bring revelation into our lives that will allow us to receive more and more of His wisdom.  


I was just reading about a preacher in the early 60’s that started preaching what is referred to as the Word of Faith.  He was preaching things that other preachers were not preaching but could back it all up with the Bible. It was a revelation that God was trying to get to His people.  It was the wisdom of God for that time and yet it was being rejected by man because of tradition. But today you can go to almost any town and find a “Word of Faith” type of church.  If you didn’t know what it was like in the 60’s to try to teach this type of message, you might not understand today, just how far the church has come.


This is no different than in other times in history where God had big plans for His people.  He had new revelations, new places to take them to, but they didn’t listen to His wisdom. Think about all the complaining going on from the Israelites as they left Egypt and were in the wilderness.  Think about all the new revelation that happened when the church age started and the Jews no longer needed to do things like sacrifices in the temple or avoid pork.


And God is doing big things today!  For those who receive the wisdom of God today, for those who will rely on the Holy Spirit for help and become more aware of God’s presence in their daily lives, they will become less and less stressed out and affected by this world’s system.  Today God is moving us into a new place of total dependence on Him and victory!  You can get in on this new flow that the Father is bringing into the world.  


If you will receive God’s wisdom today, you can live in the midst of this dark world and yet be free.  You can live were sickness abounds and be healed. You can live where turmoil is involved in every news report yet be at peace.  You can react in love to those who hate. You can have a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand and yet you and your family remain protected.  You can be not affected by this world’s economy and lack and have a window of heaven opened to you pouring out such a blessing you can’t contain it all.


For me, that is the ONLY way to live in these dark and troubled times.  It is the only way for me to not be stressed out by what is going on around me.  But it requires a heart willing to hear from God and once you hear a word from Him to actually obey it.  Our victory is guaranteed by the Word of God when we hear and do.


We must realize that God is not trying to hide anything from us.  He wants us to succeed in life, to have an overflowing, blessed life (John 10:10).  He really does try to make things simple enough for us to understand how to walk in freedom and victory.’s hear and obey. Everything that is included in Jesus’ victory, which becomes our victory, is found in these two words.  


Proverbs 14: 8 AMP says “The Wisdom [godly Wisdom, which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] of the prudent is to understand his way, but the folly of [self-confident] fools is to deceive.”


Would you like comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God?  Then you need God’s wisdom. The great thing about hearing God’s wisdom is you don’t have to ever wonder if He really knows what He is talking about.  It’s not like the newest health report for you that coffee is bad for you and then a few months later hear that coffee is actually good for you.


If you believe that the Word of God is supernaturally inspired words from God to you, then you can hear it and do it with determination.  And when you receive the Word of God that way in your life, it places you into a stream of his wisdom and the glorious plan of God for your life.

Over the next several blogs, we’ll be looking at these two words to victory some more...hear and obey.  If you could use some more victory in your life and less stress over the condition of this world, make sure to keep connected.



Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.