Podcast Episode 004: Never Fear Again - The Secret Place of Refuge

podcast Jan 25, 2021
"God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble—more than enough and always available whenever I need you. So we will never fear." (Psalm 46: 1-2 TPT)

What if you could really live without stress, worry or fear? 

What would it be like for your mind and body to finally be able to relax?

This is what God offers us in relationship with Him.  He becomes our refuge

How do you get into this place of refuge?  I'll show you today.  I'll walk you through actually doing it today.  It's a place you never have to leave again.  You can live from this secret place and become untouchable.

The Stress Buster Coach resources mentioned in the podcast:
How to make Jesus your Lord and Savior:  Click here to get peace with God
Join the free Psalm 91 Bible study happening inside the Facebook group
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Podcast Episode 003: How To Really Come Alive

podcast Jan 18, 2021

Have you ever tried to be more positive?  By sheer will power you try to to bring joy to your life by acting as if problems don't exist and that everything is just fine.

My guest today, my good friend Laurie Fratarcangeli, describes the difference between being positive and having a positive mental attitude. 

We all wish that the stressful things we are going through would just hurry up and get done so we could move on to better times, but Laurie says that it is in this life journey, in this process, that we find ultimate joy. 

Laurie shares how when she hit rock bottom... her dad was diagnosed with cancer, she was believing for her miracle pregnancy, and then the life threatening medical issues of her daughter happened...when all she could do was have utter dependence on God and zero control...is when she finally came alive as if for the first time.

You won't want to miss a second of this insightful conversation.

About my guest: Laurie Fratarcangeli

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Podcast Episode 002: Sleep Like a Baby: Help for the Stressed, Anxious and Depressed

podcast Jan 11, 2021

When the body becomes overly stressed and hyperstimulated, it can interfere with, and even prevent, our God given "Sleep System" from working properly. 

Research has found that if a person gets 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night rather than 6.5 to 8 hours, the body produces almost 40 percent more cortisol throughout the day than it normally would as a way of compensating for the reduction in sleep.

A vicious cycle of high cortisol leading to insomnia that then leads to stress which produces more cortisol which leads to insomnia....well you get the idea.

So, in this podcast I give you 17 simple ideas that can help you get to sleep faster, stay asleep longer and get a more restful sleep.

Want to get notified every time there is a new episode?  Use the button on this page to subscribe so you won't miss a thing.

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Podcast Episode 001: The Most Brutally Honest 10 Minutes of Your Life


If you were brutally honest, have you received everything you wanted out of your relationship with God?  Or is there a deep cry in your heart that says there HAS to be more!?!?

The deep cries of our heart are really only reflecting the deep call of God. 

God tells me there IS more to life than what I've been experiencing.  And when I find it, stress, worry, fear, coping and defense mechanisms, anxiety, depression, and addictions play such a smaller role in my life.

Join me today and let's get brutally honest about the "deep calling to deep" that's happening in our lives.

CLICK HERE for free download of A Brutally Honest Journaling Worksheet if you'd like to dig into this deeper.

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Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.