The Cure for Anxiety

blog May 28, 2018

I was so excited when my husband told me the news.  He found a red cardinal nest in one of the bushes at the front of our house.  I would have been happy to hear that I could look out my livingroom's picture window and watch any nest of birds, but that they were red cardinals was extra special.  They are my favorite. In fact, I have several red cardinal decorations around my house.

The babies must have just hatched when he discovered them and each day we have peered through the window at them to check their safety and growth.  Almost every time we look at them, one of the parents is there feeding them or the babies are alone and waiting with opened mouths for a delicious mouthful of worm to be deposited.  

I noticed the babies don't seem too stressed out about where their next meal is coming from.  They just lay there with expectation that their parents will provide. In fact, they are so sure it's coming, they have their mouth ready to receive...

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Your Royal Wedding

blog May 21, 2018

Did you watch the royal wedding?  Did you find it to be a joyful event or does watching something like that make you feel discontented with your own life? 

I remember one time many years ago when I was working at a golf tournament as part of my job.  The company I worked for was a sponsor and so we were helping to run some of the activities.  The money was flowing that day.  These businessmen came to support a good cause and they were throwing money around like it was just paper.  At the time I was late on my rent and my car and with two little children, I wondered what I would do if we became homeless or if I lost my only transportation to get to work, both very real possibilities at the time.  The extravagance of the businessmen in the face of my extreme money issues was more than I could handle.  I pretended to be sick and said I had to leave.  

So, maybe you watched the royal wedding and the extravagance of the whole event was...

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The Free and Light Life

blog May 14, 2018
What do a butterfly and a frog have in common?  They both go through a major transformation in life. The butterfly, of course, started out as a caterpillar and the frog as a tadpole.  They end up looking totally different in the end.  We can learn a lot of life lessons by looking at God's creation.  In fact, I think the countless variety of animals and uniqueness of each species was given to us as a gift from God for us to have one moment after another with the Holy Spirit as our teacher.
Romans 12:2 tells us "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."  I think you probably already know that most of the world and the way they think, talk and act is not what you want out of life.  You can see the futility, confusion and lack of results in their way of life.  For the born-again Christian, I know...
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Does God Even Love Me?

blog May 07, 2018
I was talking with a guy the other day that was telling me he wasn't even sure if God loved him.  He was a Christian, but he wasn't sure how God felt about him.  I didn't ask the details.  I don't know why he felt that way, but I knew in my spirit that the topic needed to be addressed.  
You see if you really knew for sure how much God loved you, you would be able to know that there is not a thing in the world that He wouldn't do for you.  But if you don't know that for sure, you won't have that confidence or peace of mind.  You won't be free to reign because the bondage of doubt and condemnation will have you shackled.  
If you aren't sure that God loves you, really loves you, you won't have the confidence to approach the throne of grace and bring your concerns to God with any assurance that He will respond.  If you aren't sure of God's love for you, you are more likely to have ideas like:
  • you just...
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Breaking Free From the Bondage of Stress - Part Two

blog Apr 30, 2018

In part one, we started discussing some rights you have as a child of God.  Just as a citizen in the US has certain rights protected by the constitution and the Bill of Rights, citizens of Heaven have certain rights protected by the Bible and Jesus' blood.  Last week we talked about our rights to freedom and healing.  Let's renew our minds to some other rights we need to know we have so we can expect them and walk in them.

 3. You Have the Right to Prosper

“And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will
always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” –2 Corinthians 9:8

Some people have the wrong idea that prosperity is just talking about money and that it is really greed.  But biblical prosperity is to be blessed and increase in all areas of our life (except our waists :)  I always like to add that in!).  Yes, it includes money and I'm so glad it does.  God knows it takes money to...

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Breaking Free From the Bondage of Stress - Part One

blog Apr 23, 2018

Did you know that you have rights as a child of God?  They are legal spiritual rights that you can exercise if you know about them.

Just like being a citizen of the US with a constitution and a Bill of Rights, has the right to expect to be treated a certain way or have access to things, you as a citizen of heaven (which you became when you were saved) have rights that are outlined in the Bible - rights to everything in the Kingdom.  There is a covenant between Jesus and God, signed in Jesus’ blood, which provides these rights for you.

People have been willing to fight and even die to protect our natural rights that belong to us.  People today are fighting for what they think is rightfully theirs—an opportunity, a personal belonging, a raise, a promotion - but in spiritual things, they tend to just roll over and give up instead of fighting for what is theirs. 

Many people think like I thought in the past, that I just had to wait...

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Gain Freedom From Your Past

blog Feb 12, 2018

Who among us hasn't wished they could get in a time machine and go back in history to do something differently?  Moments of regret have plagued my life from my role in a high school musical not being good enough, to not supporting my husband's original career choice, to moments of raising my children.  Add on top of that my failures at personal holiness and you have a recipe for stress and a lack of joy in life.  Although I wasn't living in secret sin, I had shame over the sins that were present and discouragement over who I wasn't.

It's hard to rule and reign in life as God intended when you are carrying around the heavy baggage of your past.  Being weighed down by shame, condemnation, fear, disappointment, and discouragement is the power of sin.  And although your sinful past really happened, there is a greater reality: your forgiveness in Jesus.  

Oh, I always knew that if I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins, they were forgiven.  But the...

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Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.