Podcast Episode 004: Never Fear Again - The Secret Place of Refuge

podcast Jan 25, 2021
"God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble—more than enough and always available whenever I need you. So we will never fear." (Psalm 46: 1-2 TPT)

What if you could really live without stress, worry or fear? 

What would it be like for your mind and body to finally be able to relax?

This is what God offers us in relationship with Him.  He becomes our refuge

How do you get into this place of refuge?  I'll show you today.  I'll walk you through actually doing it today.  It's a place you never have to leave again.  You can live from this secret place and become untouchable.

The Stress Buster Coach resources mentioned in the podcast:
How to make Jesus your Lord and Savior:  Click here to get peace with God
Join the free Psalm 91 Bible study happening inside the Facebook group
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Podcast Episode 003: How To Really Come Alive

podcast Jan 18, 2021

Have you ever tried to be more positive?  By sheer will power you try to to bring joy to your life by acting as if problems don't exist and that everything is just fine.

My guest today, my good friend Laurie Fratarcangeli, describes the difference between being positive and having a positive mental attitude. 

We all wish that the stressful things we are going through would just hurry up and get done so we could move on to better times, but Laurie says that it is in this life journey, in this process, that we find ultimate joy. 

Laurie shares how when she hit rock bottom... her dad was diagnosed with cancer, she was believing for her miracle pregnancy, and then the life threatening medical issues of her daughter happened...when all she could do was have utter dependence on God and zero control...is when she finally came alive as if for the first time.

You won't want to miss a second of this insightful conversation.

About my guest: Laurie Fratarcangeli

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Sleep Like a Baby: Help for the Stressed, Anxious and Depressed

blog Jan 11, 2021

I recently heard someone say they felt like life was an uphill slosh through molasses.  Can you relate?  Sometimes it seems like everything is sooooo hard. Everything is a struggle. Nothing goes easy or goes as planned. Everything feels overwhelming! You end up stressed or depressed.

Well, what I’ve discovered is 80-90% of the time when a person has anxiety or depression, they have a sleep problem too.  In fact, when I recently asked some of my Stress Busters what topic they wanted to hear more about, sleep topped the list.

Stress and sleep form a cycle: You are stressed so you have a hard time sleeping.  The lack of sleep causes you to feel less productive, more irritated and more stressed or depressed.  This causes even more sleep problems.  

What you may not know is behind the scenes the cycle actually happening in your body is this: elevated cortisol levels from stress cause insomnia, and insomnia and fatigue create stress, which...

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Podcast Episode 002: Sleep Like a Baby: Help for the Stressed, Anxious and Depressed

podcast Jan 11, 2021

When the body becomes overly stressed and hyperstimulated, it can interfere with, and even prevent, our God given "Sleep System" from working properly. 

Research has found that if a person gets 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night rather than 6.5 to 8 hours, the body produces almost 40 percent more cortisol throughout the day than it normally would as a way of compensating for the reduction in sleep.

A vicious cycle of high cortisol leading to insomnia that then leads to stress which produces more cortisol which leads to insomnia....well you get the idea.

So, in this podcast I give you 17 simple ideas that can help you get to sleep faster, stay asleep longer and get a more restful sleep.

Want to get notified every time there is a new episode?  Use the button on this page to subscribe so you won't miss a thing.

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Podcast Episode 001: The Most Brutally Honest 10 Minutes of Your Life


If you were brutally honest, have you received everything you wanted out of your relationship with God?  Or is there a deep cry in your heart that says there HAS to be more!?!?

The deep cries of our heart are really only reflecting the deep call of God. 

God tells me there IS more to life than what I've been experiencing.  And when I find it, stress, worry, fear, coping and defense mechanisms, anxiety, depression, and addictions play such a smaller role in my life.

Join me today and let's get brutally honest about the "deep calling to deep" that's happening in our lives.

CLICK HERE for free download of A Brutally Honest Journaling Worksheet if you'd like to dig into this deeper.

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The Most Brutally Honest 10 Minutes of Your Life

blog Jan 02, 2021

I’m going to be brutally honest.  I’ve always been discontent with my relationship with God.  Even when I was spending a good amount of time in Bible study, prayer, going to church and volunteering, I felt that I was missing something.  It wasn’t all I wanted it to be.  

There was something deep within me that knew there should be more.  I wanted more.  I felt like God wanted more.  When I say more, I don’t mean He wanted me to do more, pray more, or believe more.  I mean He wanted a more intimate relationship like I did.  He wanted a more vibrant, interconnected life with me.  

I had moments of deep connection during a women’s retreat or even a special time of worship in my own home, but they were like visits from God instead of a life union with Him.  

I was stressed by life - financial issues, health issues, work issues, relationship issues.  And my relationship with God was...

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7 Things No One Tells You About Disappointment

blog Nov 30, 2020

How many times have you used what you learned in chemistry or algebra in real life since you left school?  None?  Yeah, me too.  Now, how many times have you experienced disappointment or failure in life?  A lot? Yeah, me too.  It seems to be a part of life that we can’t avoid so it sure would have been handy to have some teaching on that subject.

Instead, most of us have probably learned about disappointment through what they call the school of hard knocks.  Yeah, I’m singing It’s a Hard Knock Life from Annie in my head too right now.  “'Stead of treated, We get tricked, 'Stead of kisses, We get kicked, It's the hard-knock life, Don't it feel like the wind is always howl'n? Don't it seem like there's never any light! Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in? It's easier than puttin' up a fight.”

One difference between overly stressed people and others is the way they handle the disappointment....

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What To Do When You Arenโ€™t Feeling Thankful

blog Nov 24, 2020

This is for the weary ones.  The tired, burdened ones.  The ones who are having trouble feeling very thankful right now.

I was having my quiet time with God one day and using a journaling practice that I highly recommend.  Quiet down and then ask yourself, “What do you see?”  What do you see in your life right now?  

For me at the time, I recognized that I saw weight gain, health issues, lack of results in some areas of life, a little bit of boredom and monotony.  I kept going with this line of questioning and going deeper.  I was “seeing” some hopelessness in these areas.  I found myself thinking things like, “It’s too hard, I can’t do it, it doesn’t matter anyways.”

When you get to the root issue instead of the surface issues, you can now deal with it spiritually.  The root issue for me in the moment was a lack of hope and the surface issue was the weight gain, health issues and...

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6 Holiday Stress Busters You Need to Try

blog Nov 16, 2020

Watch the video above or read the blog below.

You have a painting in your mind that is titled, “The Perfect Christmas,” whether you mean to or not.  You have preconceived ideas and desires for what would make it perfect or dreamy. If you watch any Hallmark Christmas movie (which I love!) you might think that the perfect Christmas includes a snowball fight, ice skating and building a gingerbread house but the perfect Christmas looks different for each of us.

So, I’ve got two questions for you…

  1. Does your perfect Christmas image look peaceful, calm and joy filled or energy sucking, chaotic and stress filled? 
  2. Does your Christmas usually look like your perfect Christmas image?  

I’m betting that I already know your answers.  Of course your perfect Christmas looks peaceful, calm and joy filled and no, it never looks like that.  

Let me guess, your normal Christmas looks like you staying up until 2 am trying to assemble...

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Why You Are Still Sick: Healing Truths for Christians

blog Jul 25, 2020

I don’t believe you can bust through stress without knowing what God’s will is on the matter.  You won’t have faith to believe for a light and free life if you don’t see that as being a natural part of God’s Kingdom life - His will.  Learning about how things work in God’s Kingdom has been critical to me finding joy and peace.  

I’ve had to be intentional about  ‘searching and learning’ because the way things work in God’s Kingdom is so counterintuitive to the way things work in the kingdom of the world.  My kingdom of the world experiences, mindsets and preconceived ideas don’t apply to the Kingdom of God and if I insist on bringing them with me, I’ll not only be limited but I’ll be robbed of the fullness of life that I could have otherwise had.

Physical healing is one of those areas.  In the Kingdom of God, healing and wholeness is natural and to be expected.  No...

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Expert interviews, mini coaching plans, and meaty Bible teaching… all tied together to help me bust through my stress, worry and fear so I can reign in life for the glory of God.